Phillips 66

15 S a n F r a n c i s c o R e f i n e r y News In Memoriam BryanM. Harra passed away on November 5th. He was 89. He had been in the hospital, then moved to a skilled nursing facility in Auburn where he passed. Bryan started his career at the Rodeo Refinery on August 31, 1951. He retired as a Foreman after 45 years in the Maintenance Department. KeithM. Curtin passed away on October 30th. He was 91. Starting on 10/12/1970, Keith worked in Maintenance and was known as the "Parts Person" at the Instrument Shop; he retired in 1992. Notably, during the 1980 OCAW strike, Keith operated his boat as a picket boat just off the Marine Terminal. Thomas C. Openshaw passed away on 9/17/2021. He was 78. From 1965 to 1991 he worked in the Maintenance Department. JimD. Marks passed away on 11/3/2021. He was 83. Jim began his career at the Refinery on July 7, 1969, starting at Unit 220 DuoSol. He later worked in the Bulk Department (Unit 40, Compound and MTC) as part of his 25 years at the plant. Rick de Lege passed away on 12/11/2021. He was Rick retired in 2015 as a Shift Superintendent and was employed at the Rodeo Refinery for 35 years. Prior to working at Phillips 66 Rick served our country as a member of the United States Marine Corp. James C. Tillotson passed away on 11/28/2021. He was 91. He worked as a Chemical Engineer at San Francisco Refinery for only 10 years starting in 1972 and finishing on 9/9/1982. That was followed by a stint at our neighbor, Pacific Refining in Hercules, and then a job in South San Francisco. Veterans Day To honor the service of our nation’s heroes and maintain safety awareness, the Veterans Network (VetNet) and Joint Health & Safety Committee (JHSC) organized a safety-bag handout on Veterans Day. Inside the red Phillips 66 bag were messages from Rich Harbison and Drew Graham, as well as a flashlight and American flag. VetNet also printed service branch helmet stickers for our veteran employees at the SFR and Santa Maria. If you would like a service branch sticker, contact Allan Kew x. 4461. SFR: Vet Net Member Proud U.S. Air Force Veteran SFR: Vet Net Member ProudU.S. ArmyVeteran SFR: Vet Net Member Proud U.S. Coast Guard Veteran SFR: Vet Net Member ProudU.S. Marine Corps Veteran SFR: Vet Net Member Proud U.S. Navy Veteran