The Montly Grapevine - Benicia, Vallejo, American Caynon

R&L A dveRtising /t he M onthLy g RApevine /B eniciA /v ALLejo /A MeRicAn c Anyon i ssue • n oveMBeR 2017 - 19 t o A dveRtise c ALL 707-747-5009 Call 707-746-0324 for your FREE Estimate To learn more visit us at $ 1 25 foot $ 50 vent 75 ¢ foot reg. $2.00 foot reg. $60 vent reg. $1.00 foot 200 sq. ft. minimum Regular price applies on high ceiling vents This month only! minimum 6 vents A lbertson ’ s C Arpet C leAning And s Ales Voted Best 2014, 2015, & 2016 Again! Visit us on Facebook to see why! DUPONT SOIL & STAIN CARPET PROTECTANT IS NOW ON SALE! ALL QUALITY WORK WILL BE PERFORMED BY OWNERS MARK AND MICHAEL ALBERTSON Now Only $10 per area with 2 area minimum each area up to 150 sf max. Wood Floor Clean & Re-coat Air Duct Cleaning with the Big Truck Tile Cleaning Most Powerful Carpet Cleaner in the World! 50% Off Protect your freshly cleaned carpet throughout the Holiday Season!