The Montly Grapevine - Benicia, Vallejo, American Caynon

18 - R&L A dveRtising /t he M onthLy g RApevine /B eniciA /v ALLejo /A MeRicAn c Anyon i ssue • n oveMBeR 2017 736 1st Street • Benicia • 707-746-0324 Monday - Friday 11am - 5pm • Saturday 12 - 3pm • By Appointment A LBERTSON ’ S A BBEY C ARPET AND F LOOR , I NC . Call for your FREE Estimate Lic. 841043 Flooring • Window Treatments PRODUCTS Let Mark, Taylor & Ryan show and explain everything. We feature products that can look good forever. Abbey products have a 60 day satisfaction warranty. Don’t Love It? We will replace it! (some restrictions apply). In-Stock carpet at substantial discount. PRICING Our Abbey special pricing can’t be beat. Whether you are the Do It Yourselfer or if we install. We are independent and set our own pricing. We stock carpet that is up to 1/2 o normal carpet price. INSTALLATION Our lead installers are owners. We guarantee our work for the life of the oor. If the oor has a 20 year warranty, so does the labor. starting as low as INSTALLED $ 22 Up to 3 x’s easier to clean, super durable, can’t be stained. The toughest easiest carpet to clean on the Planet! Nanoloc ™ Spill and Soil Shield This carpet is so stain-proof that it doesn’t even get wet. Spill red wine, blot it, rinse and stain is gone, it’s that simple. One of the largest selections of wood, luxury vinyl and laminate ooring in the area. PRICING LOWER THAN THE INTERNET QUALITY INSTALLATION – THIS MONTH’S SPECIAL – We pay the sales tax and include FREE furniture moving 140 yds required • Exp. 12/15/17 Hunter Douglas window treatments “Shop at Home” IS BACK We will bring samples to you!