The Montly Grapevine - Benicia, Vallejo, American Caynon

R&L A DVERTISING /T HE M ONTHLY G RAPEVINE /B ENICIA /V ALLEJO /A MERICAN C ANYON I SSUE • N OVEMBER 2017 - 41 T O A DVERTISE C ALL 707-747-5009 0 Susan vB. vallejo car wash fntpg 10-17 blue117/daily thru SUNDAY MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY HAPPENINGS • NOV. 12-DEC. 16, 2017 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 Dec. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Ghost Walk 1st & 3rd Fridays 8pm Downtown Benicia 745-979 Renovatin’ Rocks the House 5:30-9pm Fund-raiser rebuildinto- Vet erans Bldg. Valllejo 580-9360 Sr. Speakers Series How to Deal With the Holidays 10:30am Benicia Public Library 150 E. L St 746-4343 Drop by Drop Artisitic View of Benicia Water Hist. Thru May 2918 Hist. Museum 2060 Camel Rd. 745-5435 BeniciaHistoricalMuseum Walk to be Fit Tues & Thurs 11:15am- 12noon Benicia Community Center 370 East L St. 746-4285 Adult Literacy New Student Meeting 10:30am-12noon JFK Library 505 Santa Clara St., Vallejo 1-866-57- ASKUS Downtown Benicia Holiday Shopping Spree to 11/30 Participate in a drawing worh $500 in Downtown Dollars - drawing held at the Holiday Open House 12/1 benici amain- Social Justice Speakers Series 5- 7pm Touro Univ. Lander Hall 1310 Club Drive, Mare Island 638-5200 Road to Employment 2-4pm JFK Library 505 Santa Clara St., Vallejo 1-866-57-ASKUS Sr. Fitness/Self- Defense Tues & Fri 1:30-2:30pm Florence Douglas Sr. Ctr. 333 Amador St. Vallejo 643-1044 Thanksgiving Camp 11/20, 21, 22 7am- 6:30pm 1st-5th grades & 6th-8th grades Benicia Com. Center 370 East L St. 746-4285 Cook the Book Book Club 12pm Benicia Public Library 150 E. L St 746-4343 CMA Toastmasters Weds. 7:30-9pm Conf. rm. behind the Chamber of Commerce 601 1st St., Benicia 290-4377 Poetry by the Bay 2nd & 4th Thurs. 7pm The Hub 350 Georgia St, Vallejo 561-6514 Ghost Walk 1st & 3rd Fridays 8pm Downtown Benicia 745-9791 Life Hacks for Teens/Stress Relief During Finals 2:30pm Benicia Public Library 150 E. L St 746-4343 The Killer Queens 8pm Empress Theatre 330 Virginia St.,Vallejo 55 2-2400 Farmers’ Market Every Fri. 10am-2pm year-round. 975 Sereno St. @Kaiser Hospital, Vallejo SCFOA Adoption Every Sun 1-3:30pm Petco, Vallejo 552-3323 & Pet Food Express, Benicia 748-4477 La Boheme Bay Terrace Theater (Mira) thru 11/19 51 Daniels Ave., Vallejo veri smo- Martinez Farmers‘ Market Year-round. 10am-2pm. Main St. at Estudillo Vallejo Yoga Community Yoga Class 12-1pm 532 Georgia St., Vallejo 59 0-0669 Bingo Ben. Sr. Ctr. Mon. 12-3pm & Fri. 1-4pm 187 E. L St 745-1202 Read to a Dog @JFK 4:30-5:30pm 505 Santa Clara St, Vallejo 866- 572-7587 Drop-In Knit/Croch. 6-8:30pm JFK Library 505 Santa Clara St, Vallejo 866-572-7587 Walk to be Fit Tues & Thurs 11:15am- 12noon Benicia Sr. Ctr, 187 E. L St 745-1202 Zumba Gold & Piilates Tues & Thurs 9-9:45am Benicia Community Center 370 East L St. 746-4285 Last Weds. Live Music 12am Mare Island Brewing Co. Taproom 289 Mare Island Way, Vallejo m/T aproom Tai Chi Wednedays 8am City Park 425 Al abama St., Valle jo Eatwell Farm CSA Box 12-9pm Springstowne Library 999- 1150 Tech Help 10am Cell Phone, eReader, Laptop 150 East L St., Benicia. 746-4343 Benicia Holiday Open House & Tree Lighting 6-9pm Downtown Benicia 745- 979 1 beniciam ain- Tazmanian Devils 8pm Empress Theatre 330 Virginia St.,Vallejo 55 2-2400 Vallejo Farmers’ Market Sats. 9am- 2pm year-round. 300- 400 blk of Georgia St Teddy Bear Tea Party 12/2-3 Camellia Tea Room 828 First St., 746-5293 Reservations required Vallejo Jazz Society Holiday Concert 5- 7:30pm Empress Theatre 330 Virginia St.,Vallejo 5 52-2400 St. Peter’s Chapel Holiday Concert 2- 4:30pm -St. Peter’s on Mare Island 557-4646 Grand Victorian Homes Tour Vallejo Naval & Historical Museum 3-7pm 734 Mar in St., 844-344-87 93 Dial-A-Story Benicia Public Library. Make a free local call and listen! About 5 min. long, ages 3 1/2-10 746-4339 Monday Night Songbook Every Wed. 7-10pm Town House 401A Georgia St., Vallejo Acoustic Open Mic everry Wed. 8pm Town House, 401-A Georgia St., Vallejo Senior Cafe Every Wed morning - coffee, treats, socializing Benicia Sr. Ctr, 187 E. L St 745-1202 Friends of Benicia Library Members Only Book Sale 6-8pm. 150 East L St., Benicia. 746-4343 Movie Mornings for Seniors 10:30- 12noon 150 East L St., Benicia 746-4343 Vallejo Art Walk 2nd Fridays 5-10pm Downtown Vallejo Arts Benicia Christmas Parade & Holiday Market 12/9 10am- 3pm Downtown Benicia 745-9 791 benicia main- Benicia Art Walk 2nd Sats. 2-6pm First St 746-4202 visitbeni- cia.-org/arts/visula-arts Library General Public Book Sale 9/12 10am-4pm. 150 E ast L St. 746-4343 Solano Quilters Guild Mondays 9- 11:30am Benicia Sr. Ctr, 187 E. L St Lorraine: 745-3095 Tile Works of Guillermo Granizo On-going Benicia Hist. Museum 2060 Camel Rd. BeniciaHistoricalMuseum 745-5435 Gift Making Workshop 12/13 3:30pm Benicia Public Library 150 E. L St 746-434 1st Tuesday Poetry Group 6:30-9pm Benicia Public Library 150 E. L St 746-4343 Teen Craft Program 3:30-5:30pm JFK Library 505 Santa Clara St., Val lejo 1-866-57-ASK US Investment Club 1st Tuesdays 373-1200 White Elephant Sale 2nd Weds. 9- 11:30am Florence Douglas Sr. Ctr. 333 Amador St. Vallejo 643-1044 Nov. 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 Vezer Dog Wallk 11/24 9:30-11:30am Vezer Family Vineyard Mankas Corner Garden Fairfield 429-3958 vez- erfamilyvineyard. com/events Tree Lighting @ Jelly Belly 5-8pm One Jelly Belly Lane 800-522-3267 Paper Shredding 3rd Sat. 10am-2pm Valcore Recycling Ctr. 38 Sheridan St, Vallejo Fee applies. 645-8258 Fantasy Role Playing 12-4pm The Hub 350 Georgia St., Vallejo 561-6514 Lawyer in Your Library 6-8pm JFK Library 505 Santa Clara St, Vallejo 866-572-75 87 Baby Story Time 1pm 6-18 months old with caretaker Benicia Public Library 150 E. L St 746-4343 Veterans Connect @the Library Veterans Resource C enter 866-57-ASKU S Literacy Learner Computer Lab 10am Benici a Library 150 East L St. 746 -4343 ’ ’ ’ Discovery Kindgom’s Holiday in the Park Wkends thru 12-17/daily 12/22-12/31 1001 Fairgrounds Dr., Valleo 644-4000 ery /kingdom Happy Thanksgiving! FREE Christmas Concert • Dec. 17 4pm • Choral & Handbell Music • Community Presbyterian Church • 2800 Georgia St., Vallejo • 643-3222 •