The Montly Grapevine - Benicia, Vallejo, American Caynon

R&L A dveRtising /t he M onthLy g RApevine /B eniciA /v ALLejo /A MeRicAn c Anyon i ssue • n oveMBeR 2017 - 25 t o A dveRtise c ALL 707-747-5009 707 297-2631 5 Rooms $ 179 95 Whole House $ 229 95 Up to 8 Rooms HOUSE DUCTS CLEANING TILE & GROUT CLEANING UPHOLSTERY CLEANING WINDOWS CLEANING 3 Rooms $ 119 95 4 Rooms $ 149 95 $ 199 95 Includes up to 6 vents using an exclusive truck-mounted Rotobrush system. Helps eliminate allergens, dust & debris and improve heating and cooling flow. Offer expires 12/15/17 Offers expire 12/15/17 .75¢ per sq. ft. $ 139 95 Up to 10 windows inside & out. Includes Screens and Tracks. Some restrictions apply. Offer expires 12/15/17 Offer expires 12/15/17 • Sofa.......... $ 69 95 • Loveseat.... $ 54 95 • Chair.......... $ 39 95 Offer expires 12/15/17 Delicate fabrics and sectionals are extra. Some restrictions apply. CARPETS Carpet Stretching & Repair Red Stain Removal Guaranteed Urine Removal Teflon & Scotchgard Protection ADDITIONAL SERVICES: DAILY SERVICE AVAILABLE FROM 6AM-10PM LOVE YOUR CARPET AGAIN! POWER ROTARY EXTRACTION AVAILABLE $ 8 95 extra per room Expires 12/15/17 Expires 12/15/17 Cutting • Styling • Highlights • Color Now Offering Hair Services