The Montly Grapevine - Benicia, Vallejo, American Caynon

22 - R&L A dveRtising /t he M onthLy g RApevine /B eniciA /v ALLejo /A MeRicAn c Anyon i ssue • n oveMBeR 2017 2015 2014 2013 2012 STOP BY FOR $ with the purchase of $40 or more Buy one entree & get second of equal or lesser value free. With coupon only. Not valid with any other offer. Not valid on holidays. Dine in only. Expires 12/15/17. With purchase of two drinks. $10 maximum dis- count. With coupon only. Only one coupon per table. Not valid with any other offer. Not valid on holidays. Dine in only. Expires 12/15/17. Bar! Menu! Kitchen! Dining Room! C e l e b r a t i n g L i f e , L o v e & F a m i l y ! Mon 4:30pm-9pm • Tues-Thurs 11am-9pm • Fri 11am-9pm • Sat 8am-9pm • Sun 8am-8pm PATIO COVERS SUN ROOMS GARDEN ROOMS RETRACTABLE AWNINGS RESIDENTIAL SOLAR 3160 Gold Valley Drive #300 Rancho Cordova, CA 95742 (800) 834-3211 • (916) 631-8186 Licensed, Bonded & Insured • Cont. Lic# 625028 *Offer can not be combined with any other coupon or discount. *Offer can not be combined with any other coupon or discount. SUN ROOMS - $0 DOWN oac AS LOW AS $199/MONTH PATIO COVERS - $0 DOWN oac AS LOW A S $99/MONTH LIMITED TIME OFFER $500 * OFF PATIO COVERS with 150 sq. ft. min purchase $2500 * OFF SUN ROOMS with 150 sq. ft. min purchase LIMITED TIME OFFER