9 Introduction UNIT4 | TheGlobal ecosysTem 76 Essential Concept Earth’s systemsareconnectedand interdependent. 4.1 Our Planet in Context Let’shead toouter spaceand thenworkourwayback to Earth.Theuniversecanbedefinedas the sumofeverything thatexists, including spaceandmatter.Whenastrophysicist NeildeGrasseTysonwasasked if thevastnessof theuniverse makeshim feelhopelessly small,he responded,“No, itmakes me feelbigbecausewearemadeof the samebasicelements asourgalaxy.” One important element for life iscarbon formed fromexplod- ing stars.Carboneasilycombineswithotherelementscreating organic molecules .Thesemoleculesare thebuildingblocks ofall life, includinghumans.Weare, literally, stardust.Tyson explains thatweareboth in theuniverseand theuniverse is inus: “Weareallconnected toeachotherbiologically, to the Earthchemically,and to the restof theuniverseatomically.” Carbonandwaterare thebuildingblocksof life. ELEMENT Apurechemical substance containingone typeofatom. MOLECULES Groupsof twoormore atomsheld togetherby chemicalbonds. UNIT4 | TheGlobal ecosysTem 83 caReeR FocUs: GeoscIeNTIsT Education: Mostgeoscientist jobs requireat leastabachelor’sdegreeandmany requireaMaster’sdegree. In several states,geoscientistsmayneeda license tooffer their services to thepublic. MedianSalary (2015): $89,700. According to theBureauofLabor Statistics (BLS),geoscientists study thephysicalaspectsof theEarth, suchas itscomposition, structure, andprocesses, to learnabout itspast, present,and future.Manygeoscientists work inenvironmentalprotection andpreservation,andare involved in projects tocleanupand reclaim land. Some specialize inaparticularaspect of theEarth, suchas itsoceans.Most geoscientists split their timebetween working inofficesand laboratories,and workingoutdoors.Doing researchand investigationsoutdoors iscommonly calledfieldworkandcan require irregularworkinghoursandextensive travel to remote locations. Typical jobduties include: ■■ Planningandcarryingoutfield studies, inwhich theyvisit locations tocollect samplesandconduct surveys. ■■ Analyzingaerialphotographs,well logs, rock samples,andotherdata sources to locatedepositsofnatural resourcesandestimate their size. ■■ Conducting laboratory testson samplescollected in thefield. ■■ Makinggeologicalmapsandcharts. ■■ Preparingwritten scientific reports. ■■ Presenting theirfindings toclients,colleagues,andother interestedparties. ■■ Reviewing reportsand researchdonebyother scientists. Formore informationon thisandothercareers inSustainability,go Each unit includes an Essential Concept that summarizes the core ideas covered in the unit, and helps guide your reading. Each unit includes a Career Focus that encourages you to consider a career related to sustainability. The feature outlines the skills, education, and typical tasks that might be necessary to succeed in that career. Vocabulary terms are highlighted in the text, and defined in the margins to aid your comprehension.
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