6 Contents UNIT 9 New Technology and Innovative Sustainability Approaches 1 84 9.1 Nature as a Role Model: Biomimicry 187 9.2 The Future of Energy 189 9.3 Growth Trends in the Renewable Energy Sector 191 9.4 Sustainable Transportation 193 9.5 Advancement in Automobile Technology 196 9.6 Green Building 199 9.7 Green Jobs and the Green Economy 205 UNIT 10 Toward a Sustainable Future 2 10 10.1 Sustainable Design and Sustainable Cities 212 10.2 Sustainable Consumer Choices 216 10.3 Sustainable Food Choices 219 10.4 The Role of Business in Sustainability 221 10.5 Sustainability and Competitive Advantage 223 10.6 The Media and Sustainability 225 10.7 Globalization, Activism, and the New Social World 229 10.8 The Road Ahead—Sustainability as a Mindset 231 Glossary 238 Table of Videos 247
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