Unit 1 | Introduction to Sustainability 29 Individuals assume multiple roles each day that offer us the chance to make choices and influence others. Whether it’s as a parent, student, employee, or boss, everyone can have a posi- tive impact and become a leader in sustainability by making informed decisions and setting good examples. Working toward sustainability naturally brings people closer together as we discover solutions to problems that, as individuals, may seem hopeless and overwhelming. Ultimately, people can- not think of sustainability as a practice that somehow diminishes humanity while prioritizing nature. Rather, the practice of sustain- ability brings out the best in people to work towards improving the present and future on Earth while maintaining a fair and vibrant economy, environmental health, and social equity. WATCH & LEARN Watch the video and respond to the questions below. 1. What is the difference between national and global citizenship? 2. What is choice at a personal level that a global citizen can make to foster sustainability of the planet? 3. What is a non-governmental organization you can think of that promotes social justice or economic opportunity? video: National and Global Citizenship
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