245 Glossary RADIOACTIVE ISOTOPES  Atoms, such as ura- nium, that have unstable nuclei and undergo nuclear decay. REGULATION  Control. Also, a rule of law issued by an authoritative agency of the government. RELATIVE POVERTY  A measure of perceived poverty between individuals and households within a community. SHARED VALUE  A business management strategy in which companies find business opportunities in social problems. SLASH AND BURN  A cultivation technique where farmers clear forests and woodland for agricul- tural fields or pastures by cutting or burning the existing plants. SMART GRID  An electrical grid that uses elec- tronic communication and feedback to maximize energy efficiency. SMART METER  An electrical meter that enables two-way communication of electricity consumption between users and utilities. SMOG  A form of air pollution that results from the combination of industrial or vehicle emissions and sunlight. SOCIAL ENTREPRENEURS  Individuals, companies, or organizations that promote social or environmen- tal health through economic activity. SOCIAL EQUITY  A fair distribution of wealth and equal opportunity for all global citizens. SOCIALLY RESPONSIBLE INVESTING (SRI)  A set of investment strategies that promote desirable out- comes beyond monetary return on investment, such as investing in renewable energy. SOIL EROSION  The process in which soil is removed by water or wind. SOLAR ENERGY  Energy that is derived from the sun’s rays. SOLAR THERMAL COLLECTORS  Components that collect the sun’s heat for heating water. SPECIES  A group of organisms that is able to repro- duce, producing fertile offspring. SPECIES DIVERSITY  The amount of variation between species. SUBSIDY  Money granted by the government to assist an industry or business so that the price of a commodity or service may remain low or competitive. SUBSISTENCE AGRICULTURE  Farming that pro- vides enough food for the farmer and his family but not enough for sale. SUPERFUND PROGRAM  A U.S. federal program responsible for cleaning up abandoned hazardous waste sites. SUPERINSULATION  An approach to building design and construction that uses high amounts of insulation to minimize energy demands. SUSTAINABILITY  The ability to be maintained at a certain rate or level. In environmental science, it means avoiding the depletion of natural resources in order to maintain an ecological balance. SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT GOALS  Seventeen universal goals aimed to end all forms of poverty. SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT  Meeting the needs of the current generations without jeopardizing the ability of future generations to meet their needs. SYMBIOTIC  A mutually beneficial relationship between two species. SYSTEMS THINKING  A method of study that emphasizes the integration of various parts into the whole, and connections between parts.