242 Glossary GREEN ROOFS Building roofs that are covered with vegetation, providing insulation, absorbing rainwa- ter, and providing wildlife habitat. GREEN WATER Rainwater that infiltrates soil and used for agriculture. GREENHOUSE EFFECT The heating of the atmo- sphere due to the presence of carbon dioxide, methane, and other gases. GREENHOUSE GASES Gases that contribute to the greenhouse effect by absorbing infrared radiation. GREENWASHING Misleading or using selective messages that emphasize a business’ “green” cre- dentials to create a positive public image. GREYWATER Wastewater that is created in homes or buildings that can be recycled onsite for irriga- tion, landscaping, or construction. GROSS DOMESTIC PRODUCT (GDP) The mon- etary value of all the finished goods and services produced within a country’s borders in a specific time period. GROUNDWATER Fresh water supplies, such as aquifers, located underground, often supplying wells, springs, and agricultural irrigation. HABITAT An ecological or environmental area that is inhabited by organisms. HECTARE A metric measurement of land. One hectare is equal to about 2.47 acres. HUMAN DEVELOPMENT INDEX (HDI) An alter- native metric of national wellbeing that measures life expectancy, literacy, education, and standard of living. HUNTER-GATHERERS People who obtain their food and other resources from wild, rather than domesticated, sources. HVAC Heating, ventilation, and air condition- ing, which are important components of building sustainability. HYBRID VEHICLES Vehicles that use a combination of an internal combustion engine and an electric motor for propulsion. HYBRIDIZATION The combination of genetic stocks from different organisms to create desired traits. HYDRO (-ELECTRIC) POWER A method of electricity production that utilizes the energy of running water. HYDROSPHERE All liquid and frozen surface waters, groundwater, and vapor on the Earth. ICEBERG MODEL A systems thinking method that looks below the simple facts of an issue to investi- gate causes and patterns. INDUSTRIAL AGRICULTURE Modernized farming that uses technology for the growing, harvesting, and processing of food. INDUSTRIAL REVOLUTION The period between 1750 and 1850 where advances in agriculture, manufacturing, transportation, and technology dramatically changed social, economic, and cultural conditions of many countries. INDUSTRIALIZATION The process of social and economic change from an agricultural society to an industrial society. INTERMITTENT Occurring at irregular intervals; not continuous or steady. INTERNAL COMBUSTION ENGINE An engine that generates heat and power through the combustion of a liquid fuel. INVASIVE SPECIES A biological species that is accidentally or intentionally brought from one area to another, causing damage to native ecosystems.
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