Unit 10 | Toward a Sustainable Future 231 10.8 The Road Ahead— Sustainability as a Mindset Sustainability is an integrating concept that ties together ecol- ogy, economics, policy, social development, and technology. Making progress in all of these areas is essential to the success of sustainability and may determine the future of life on Earth for many generations to come. Underlying all of the changes needed to create a sustainable society is the development of sustainability as a mindset. A sustainability mindset goes far beyond reminders to recycle or switch from incandescent to fluorescent bulbs. Instead, it requires the re-evaluation of deeply held beliefs about what WATCH & LEARN Watch the video and respond to the questions below. 1. Who is Rob Hopkins? 2. What are some characteristics of a global society that embraces sustainability? 3. What are some ways you can contribute to a sustainable future? video: The Future of Sustainability
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