Unit 10 | Toward a Sustainable Future 229 10.7 Globalization, Activism, and the New Social World Many people around the world believe that businesses and governments are not moving quickly enough to confront global sustainability challenges. In response, they have been build- ing the sustainability movement through non-governmental organizations (NGOs) and other community organizations. There are thousands of NGOs worldwide, focused on envi- ronmental conservation and various aspects of sustainability. Some of the best known include Greenpeace, Conservation International, The World Wildlife Fund, and Friends of the Earth. These organizations and many others promote sus- tainability initiatives and hold businesses and governments accountable for actions or policies that harm communities or the environment. Tactics of these NGOs vary widely, rang- ing from lawsuits to direct actions, such as blocking whaling ships or coordinated street protests. NGOs continue to play an essential role in the movement to build sustainability into our economies and societies. Global trade, multi-national corporations, television, and the Internet have stimulated the development of globalization . Recently, the emerging sustainability movement and the rise of social media networks have begun to push globalization in a more democratic and responsible direction than it has gone in the past. Cell phones and social networking sites, such as Facebook and Twitter, are enabling global citizens to bypass traditional media channels and communicate directly with each other, raising awareness of sustainability issues around the globe. People also come together in real-life communities in order to build sustainability. One prominent example of this trend is the NON-GOVERNMENTAL ORGANIZATION (NGO) An organization that is not a government entity or a for- profit business. GLOBALIZATION The process by which busi- nesses or other organizations develop international influ- ence or start operating on an international scale.
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