Unit 10  |  Toward a Sustainable Future 225 10.6  The Media and Sustainability The media has a crucial role to play in promoting sustainability. However, many mainstreammedia outlets have a mixed record in their coverage of sustainability, either through neglect or by presenting these stories through a polarizing political lens. According to the Pew Research Center’s Project for Excellence in Journalism, on average only 2 percent of all news stories in the U.S. focus on environmental issues. This is despite the fact that eighty-five percent of Americans believe that the quality of environmental coverage should be improved. The long-term perspective of sustainability often means that its media cover- age is less attention-grabbing, and therefore less profitable, than stories about crime, politics, or celebrities. Additionally, WATCH & LEARN Watch the video and respond to the questions below. 1. What is one factor making sustainability vital to businesses? 2. What is the “one-rule” system? video: Consumer Demands for Sustainability