Unit 10  |  Toward a Sustainable Future 221 10.4  The Role of Business in Sustainability Despite a political dialog that frequently insists that we have to choose between economic growth and protecting the environ- ment, it is increasingly clear that many successful businesses thrive while pursuing the three goals of the triple bottom line : economic success, social responsibility, and environmental stewardship. Companies that have taken on the challenge of the triple bot- tom line run the gamut from coffee distributors and restaurants to furniture companies and tourism businesses. Many sectors see the integration of ecological and social responsibility as the TRIPLE BOTTOM LINE An accounting framework with three parts: social, envi- ronmental (or ecological), and financial. WATCH & LEARN Watch the video and respond to the questions below. 1. What organization regulates organic foods in the U.S.? 2. What benefits does organic agriculture have for the environment? 3. How much were sales for organic foods in 2010? video: Organic Food