Unit 9 | New Technology and Innovative Sustainability Approaches 198 Crops such as sugarcane can be processed as biofuels. Newer biofuels are an attempt to solve these problems with the use of non-food crops, such as woody plants, grasses, and agricultural waste. The fuel from these sources, cellulosic ethanol , does not compete with food production, and has a minimal impact on food prices. Cellulosic ethanol also has a much smaller ecological footprint than traditional biofuels or fossil fuels. According to the U.S. Department of Energy, cellulosic ethanol generates 85 percent fewer greenhouse gas- ses than gasoline. Algae is also being researched as a biofuel source, since it is known for its fast growth and ability to grow on marginal land not suitable for food-source plants. The U.S. military is beginning large-scale production of algae fuel for use in aviation, proving algae’s potential to become a signifi- cant component of the fuel supply in coming decades. CELLULOSIC ETHANOL Alcohol fuel that is made from cellulose of non-crop plants.
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