Unit 9  |  New Technology and Innovative Sustainability Approaches 196 9.5  Advancement in Automobile Technology Much of the world depends on automobiles and trucks for the transportation of people and goods. Despite some improvements in efficiency and design, the basic technology of the gasoline or diesel-powered internal combustion engine has remained largely unchanged since its invention in the nineteenth century. However, with higher gas prices and concern about climate change, interest in alternative electric vehicles has increased. Although there are many benefits to electric vehicles, such as improved air quality and higher efficiency, they have not been widely adopted due to certain limitations. Electric cars are more expensive to manufacture because of the cost associ- ated with their lithium-ion batteries. Several national and local governments have established tax credits, subsidies, and other incentives to reduce the purchase price. Companies such as Tesla, Inc. are committed to developing efficient, affordable, high-quality all-electric vehicles. Other than cost, other limiting factors to electric vehicle popularity are the absence of charging stations in many com- munities and the relatively short driving range of most electric vehicles. Much more successful are hybrid vehicles , such as the Toyota Prius, which have become widely available since the 1990s. These hybrid vehicles use a computer-controlled combination of an electric and gasoline engine, allowing for dramatic improvements in fuel efficiency over standard vehicles without the range limits of pure electric cars. Many car companies are also introducing plug-in hybrids , such as the Chevrolet Volt, which are similar to standard hybrids but also recharge batteries directly from the electricity grid. Some studies have concluded that widespread adoption of plug-in hybrids could significantly reduce CO 2 emissions as well as air pollution if electricity is produced sustainably. HYBRID VEHICLES Vehicles that use a com- bination of an internal combustion engine and an electric motor for propulsion. PLUG-IN HYBRIDS Hybrid vehicles that can recharge their batteries directly from the electrical grid. ?  DID YOU KNOW Did you know that Manhattan is considered the “greenest” city in the U.S.? This is due to very high popu- lation density that allows for widespread public transit as well as a high percent- age of residents who do not own cars. While replicating Manhattan-level density is not feasible for many loca- tions, other cities are taking forward-thinking approaches to transportation that allow them to significantly reduce energy use and greenhouse gas emissions.