Unit 9 | New Technology and Innovative Sustainability Approaches 190 of sustainability. Although some scholars argue that increased efficiency may only encourage people to use more energy, most experts view efficiency as a key component for moving the Earth toward sustainability. Amory Lovins, an energy efficiency pioneer, coined the term “ negawatt ” to represent the loss of energy used by efficient design or reduced consumption. Lovins argues that “making” negawatts is the most effective way to use energy while saving money and minimizing negative environmental impacts. For example, EnerNOC, a Boston-based utility company, supplies businesses that agree to cut back on electricity during peak demand times in order to generate negawatts. EnerNOC pays quarterly payments for these negawatts, a less expensive solu- tion than building and operating new power plants to meet peak demand. In recent years, engineers, governments, and businesses have pro- moted the development of a smart grid . This system is designed to monitor and meet the demand for electricity using the flexible needs of distributed renewable energy. Smart grids utilize modern electronic communication technology, enabling electricity use to be monitored and adjusted to match demand. Customers can also see their electricity use in real time through the use of smart meters , making it easier for them to reduce energy use. Installing smart meters allows smart grid customers to monitor and eventually reduce their energy use. NEGAWATT A negative megawatt; a megawatt of power saved by increasing efficiency or reducing consumption. SMART GRID An electrical grid that uses electronic communication and feedback to maximize energy efficiency. SMART METER An electrical meter that enables two-way com- munication of electricity consumption between users and utilities.
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