Unit 9  |  New Technology and Innovative Sustainability Approaches 186 GROWYOUR KNOWLEDGE Grist Magazine interviewed New York Times columnist and author Thomas Friedman at the 2009 Climate Summit in Copenhagen. With your teacher’s permission, watch the video at 1. With a partner or as a class, discuss these key quotes from the interview: ■■ “Trying to effect the climate is a huge scale issue. There’s only one thing that is as big as Mother Nature and that is Father Greed.” ■■ “If you start with climate, it’s a loser. If you start with making America more innovative, more energy secure, a world leader, more economically competitive, you can have political scale. We are starting the conversation in the wrong place (climate).” ■■ “I want to have a carbon tax and I want it to trigger the clean tech revolution in my country.” 2. Why does Friedman say we should address climate change with economic incentives (Father Greed) rather than by discussing the environmental dangers of climate change (Mother Nature)? 3. Do you agree with Friedman that economic incentives can fuel green innovation and a clean tech revolution? Why or why not? 4. What do you see as the benefits and limitations of technology in creating sustainable societies? 5. Do you think there is a role for both Father Greed and Mother Nature in the conversation about sustainability? Why or why not? 6. This interview took place in 2009. What progress, if any, do you think society has made since then in controlling climate change? Essential Concept Many new technologies are being developed to address sus- tainability issues, and it is important that consumers embrace demand for them.