Unit 9 | New Technology and Innovative Sustainability Approaches 185 Much of our current society, infrastructure, and economy do not take sustainability into consideration. It is easy for individu- als, companies, and governments to hang on to traditional industries and practices, which are effective in the short-term, even if these methods may harm the Earth and its inhabitants in the long-term. The challenge is to take a long-term view and develop new ways of thinking about product design, energy systems, transportation, and buildings. Innovation can be a powerful force in creating economic opportunities and foster- ing sustainability. THE BIG IDEA UNIT 9 SELF-ASSESSMENT Before beginning this unit, consider what you already know about sustainability by completing this self-assessment. For each statement below, rate your current level of confidence with understanding sustainability concepts. NOT CONFIDENT SOMEWHAT CONFIDENT CONFIDENT I am able to define the term “biomimicry,” and provide an example of how nature served as a model for technology or design. ❍ ❍ ❍ I am able to describe the recent growth trends in the renewable energy industry, and explain the need for an efficient electrical grid. ❍ ❍ ❍ I amable to explain the rationale for sustainable transportation, and provide an example of a sustainable transportation innovation. ❍ ❍ ❍ I amable to list the benefits of newwater conservation technologies, and identify at least three low-cost and readily available technologies. ❍ ❍ ❍ I am able to describe at least two green building strategies, and explain the benefits of the green building industry to the overall green economy. ❍ ❍ ❍
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