Unit 8 | Government and Sustainability 179 China, despite its large and growing ecological footprint, is another example of government-led sustainability. Because of government incentives and other programs, 17 percent of energy used in China is produced by renewable sources. Recently, China has emerged as the global leader in the pro- duction of photovoltaic panels, currently supplying 30 percent of global demand. The Chinese government approved a Renewable Energy Law in 2005 that prioritizes the develop- ment of solar, wind, and biofuels, and has also passed a wide range of legislation that provides financial support, techno- logical investment, and market development for renewable energy. While these initiatives may be small in comparison to China’s energy demands and pressure on natural systems, they do represent an important commitment to sustainability by an emerging superpower. Government action is clearly required in order to support sustainable economies and societies. Political systems that take the “business as usual” approach will not contribute meaningful answers. Successful governmental approaches to sustainability require a strong commitment to change and the willingness to develop new strategies.
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