Unit 7  |  The Economics of Sustainability 157 7.7  Creating Sustainable Economic Systems Economic growth and the increase in economic inequality across the globe are trends that place sustainability at risk. Unsustainable consumption and population growth are sources of depletion and degradation of natural resources and ecosys- tems. Considering these trends, economists and ecologists alike are looking for new approaches that would allow the manage- ment of the global economy in a way that supports sustainability. Sustainability offers an opportunity to reconsider the current economic system. For example, economists could stop relying on measures, such as GDP, which consider economic activity WATCH & LEARN Watch the video and respond to the questions below. 1. Most energy that powers industrial civilization is derived from what? 2. What would a true-cost pricing of coal-derived electricity include? 3. What are Sweden and Norway doing about the costs of fuel? How does this help? video: True Cost Accounting