Unit 5  |  The Importance of Biodiversity 113 While it may be impossible to directly link biodiversity con- servation to the maintenance of ecosystem services, most scientists and conservationists advocate for the precaution- ary principle , which states that it is wise to preserve all species in an ecosystem, especially given our incomplete understand- ing of ecological relationships. Finally, a large percentage of humanity would agree with ecopsychologists that humans have an emotional and spiri- tual connection to nature, and that biodiversity loss ultimately diminishes humanity. PRECAUTIONARY PRINCIPLE A decision-making standard which states that actions which could potentially harm the environment or people should not be carried out if scientific understanding is incomplete. ECOPSYCHOLOGISTS Psychologists who empha- size the essential role of the natural world in supporting mental health. WATCH & LEARN Watch the video and answer the questions below. 1. What is a charismatic megafauna? 2. Select one example of a charismatic megafauna and write a paragraph describing what Earth might be like if that species became extinct. video: Species Extinction